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Biden’s American Rescue Plan Invests In the American People, Sets The Tone for What Is Needed Next

March 11, 2021

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Biden’s American Rescue Plan Invests In the American People, Sets The Tone for What Is Needed Next

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan today, a $1.9 trillion package that rushes urgently-needed assistance to struggling Americans. While this rescue bill is a significant victory, it will take more to reach full employment and build the more equitable and resilient economy that the Biden-Harris administration has promised. With the rescue in place, Congress must move quickly to invest in a full recovery for middle and working class people.

Tax March Executive Director Maura Quint gave the following statement:

“This bill will be a boon to working Americans who need help to get by in the pandemic, with $1,400 survival checks, extended unemployment benefits, tax credits that would help cut child poverty in half, and more. But there’s plenty of unfinished business.

“More than 70 percent of Americans supported this bill because they know we can’t return to the old approach of ‘small government’ that leaves us to fend for ourselves in a crisis. Jobs are returning and vaccination rates are growing, but more than 10 million people are still out of work and thousands are still dying from the virus daily.

“We can’t go ‘back to normal,’ because normal was never good enough. The American people need a full, fast, and fair recovery—one that corrects the inequities that left us so vulnerable to the pandemic’s economic impacts. Tax March will continue to demand a just and fair economic recovery, and we hope the Democratic majority is ready to fight for the people, too.”

About Tax March
Tax March is a grassroots movement fighting for a fairer and more equitable tax code, and an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. Our organizers across the nation advocate in their communities and in Washington for policies to tax the rich and invest in middle and working class communities. During the coronavirus pandemic, we are calling on Congress and the White House to deliver direct relief to working families, tax the billionaires and big corporations whose wealth has skyrocketed, and rebuild a stronger, more equitable economy. Join the movement on Twitter and Facebook, or visit us at TaxMarch.org.


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