Join us in demanding the rich pay their fair share.
When we tax the rich, we all do better.
Tax the Rich is a movement, a rallying cry, and a way of thinking. It's about fixing a fundamentally broken and rigged economy so that it works for all of us, not just the super-rich and corporations. Not since the era immediately before the Great Depression has the difference between the haves and the have-nots been as great as it is today: The 400 richest Americans own more wealth than 150 million low- and middle-income adults. But economists know that taxing the wealthy will help distribute income more equitably. That’s why Tax March is building a robust network of partners and organizers across the country to show policymakers that the American people want the highest income earners and the wealthiest individuals to pay their fair share in taxes.
Our organizers are all over the nation keeping the movement alive.
Tax the Rich organizers work throughout the country to educate and advocate that the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay their fair share. Organizers hold rallies, press conferences, social events and participate in nationally coordinated days of action throughout the year. Our organizers come from many communities and backgrounds, but they all share a commitment to economic justice and the driving desire to make our economy work for all Americans, not just the 1%.