JULY 13, 2020
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The White House is Wrong — the Next Coronavirus Aid Package Must Put Workers First
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow told reporters that the Trump administration’s priorities for the next phase of coronavirus aid are, among other things, a payroll tax holiday, ending the $600 per week unemployment boost, “return to work” bonuses, and a capital gains tax holiday. Simply put, these measures would just keep enriching the wealthy while leaving working people behind, and putting them forward as a proposal would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous and cruel.
Tax March Executive Director Maura Quint released the following statement:
“The White House’s priorities for the next coronavirus aid package read like a wishlist for the wealthy, and a slap in the face for working people. The Trump administration is once again putting billionaires over the American people.
Billionaires have made more than $584 billion during the pandemic while nearly 50 million Americans have filed for unemployment. Now, the White House wants to help those billionaires avoid paying taxes, and take away the extra $600 per week that is keeping millions of families afloat. Kudlow and the Trump administration are in deep denial if they think this is the kind of ‘relief’ the American people want. Not only do Americans still disapprove of the administration’s previous tax cuts for the rich, the American people believe taxing the rich will help the recovery.
And, the American people are right. It’s time for Trump and Congressional Republicans to extend the unemployment benefits expiring this month, give hazard pay to essential workers, provide a new round of stimulus checks, and finally institute widespread testing and contact tracing to get our economy moving again. It’s time to directly deliver aid to the American people.”